Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Europeans And Aborigines In The 1700s Essay -- Australia Australian H

European ships chiefly began sailing into southern Australian waters in the 18th century. These left human cargoes behind and, unlike introductory visitors, had an immediate impact on the Aborigines, who suffered interference with their economy and lifestyle as the colonists sought and secured for themselves good sources of water, sheltered positions, and access to fishall of which were alike vital to indigen large number.The perception that Australia was quietly settled without conflict with the Aboriginal people, an idea that, it has been argued, enabled the concept of terra nullius to be maintained, has been substantially revised in new years. It is now generally acknowledged that resistance took place right from the get-go tentative encroachments by European nations into Australian waters. The Dutch sailed into the Gulf of Carpentaria in 1606 and one Dutch sailor was killed by the Tjungundji (whose hero was the warrior Sivirri). Another Dutch ship visited the area in 1623, but in attempting to kidnap people was met by 200 warriors who drove the sailors away. James lay down, in spite of the hot misconception, also met with some resistance in Botany Bay. Two Tharawal men, subsequently sending away the women and children, stood firm against Cooks landing. According to Cooks account of the incident We then threw them some nails, beads etcetera ashore which they took up and seemd not ill gratify in so very much that I thought that they beckoned to us to move up ashore, but in this we were much mistaken, for as soon as we order the boat in they again came to oppose us upon which I dismissed a musket between the two which had no other effect than to take shape them retire back where bundles of their darts lay, and one of them took up a orchestra pit and threw at us w... ..., and movement controls and restriction of ceremonies meant that Aboriginal people were much more isolated from each other than they had been before. This, together with the in fluences and impact of European culture, resulted in the development of new artistic styles. In some areas church doctrine music with a uniquely Aboriginal (or Torres Strait Islander) flavour was create verbally and performed, in others country-and-western music or blues styles developed. More recently contract come rock music and modern dance groups such as Bangarra. From the 1950s, new materials and styles came to be used in the visual arts, including watercolours, acrylic paints, pottery, photography, landscape, tweet art, and sculpture. These also reflected the radical changes in lifestyle and economy resulting from permanent European settlement, although the effect varied considerably across the continent.

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